Sex Offender Registration
Sex Offender Registration
Many of our clients are concerned about having to register as a sex offender, and with good reason. Registering as a sex offender could mean that law enforcement may notify your neighbors, local schools, and others of your whereabouts. You could even have your mug shot placed on the internet.
Sex offender registration can make it nearly impossible to find good employment and housing, as most employers and landlords are unwilling to deal with the fallout of employing or housing a registered sex offender. We are used to dealing with these issues, and can advise you practically about the best course of action to take in order to prevent harm to your reputation, or your ability to earn a living.
There are a great number of variables to determining whether you will have to register as a sex offender, even if you are accused of a sex offense. Often times we are able to work with the court and prosecutors to avoid registration requirements. If you do have to register, we can help to minimize the time you are required to do so, and even have experience in removing the requirement to register. These issues are extremely case specific, and we offer free consultations with an attorney that understands these issues.
Our Experience with Sex Offender Registration Issues is Your Advantage
When you are facing sex offender registration, you need the skills of a dedicated sex offense defense attorney. At Newton & Hall we can help. Call us at (253) 867-2675 to schedule a free initial consultation. Our criminal defense attorneys are standing by to help.