The double standard for law enforcement is more than evident in this situation where Kitsap County Sheriff Sergeant Jim Porter was caught on audio and video tape sitting drunk in his Jeep outside a movie theatre. Police had been called to the scene regarding the report of a drunk man who was sick in his car, and found the Sheriff's Sergeant covered in vomit and "wasted" according to the police officer who arrived on the scene. The officer investigated, but let the man stay in his car and advised employees of the movie theater to call police if they saw him attempt to drive, which they later did. The police officer who went to his house found him at the scene, in his car, and still drunk. Despite his admissions, on camera, to being drunk and driving two miles from the movie theatre to his home, no arrest was made and no charges were filed. In fact, the man was not even asked to take field sobriety tests.
You can watch video of the incident by clicking here.
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