
Uber Ride Service May Decrease Drunk Driving

Posted by Keith Hall | Nov 09, 2015 | 0 Comments

I read an interesting article that seems to support what I believe we have been seeing for some time, specifically that there are fewer drunk drivers on the roads since the arrival of cheaper and more convenient transportation options.  The article discussed the findings of two Temple University professors, who found that "[p]reliminary analysis conducted by ride sharing firms and several industry analysts suggest that introduction of Uber and other ride sharing services has a negative effect on DUI arrests"

This makes perfect sense!  Unless someone lives in a geographic area with great public transportation, it is difficult to have drinks at a bar or restaurant and drive home safely.  Especially as our legal limit has crept downwards from .15 in the 1970's, to .10 in the 1980's, and finally to .08 in the 1990's.  I expect that the legal limit for alcohol will continue to decrease to approximately .02 sometime in my lifetime.  .02 in the current legal limit in many countries, and I see more and more drivers being charged with DUI or Physical Control after blowing well below the legal limit these days.

In 2012, the last year I could find statistics, there were approximately 66,000 bars, restaurants and nightclubs in the United States.  According to the national restaurant association there are approximately 14,913 restaurants and bars in Washington.  In my experience, many of these locations will provide alcohol for sale, and almost all will have a parking lot.

When I was in my 20's and 30's and going to bars, there were only a few options to get home after a night of drinking:  1) take a long expensive ride in a dingy taxicab, assuming one would show up to pick you up; 2) take a long uncomfortable walk in the cold; or do what most people did 3) chance it and drive home in your car, so you didn't have to arrange car retrieval in the morning.   

It is no wonder that services like Lyft and Uber, with their more affordable rates, cleaner and nicer cars, greater availability, and the ability to track the arrival of your transportation have changed the status quo.  

To read more about the article click this link.

About the Author

Keith Hall

Keith Hall Criminal Defense Attorney Keith loves representing and fighting hard for his clients.  His clients are often people who have never been in trouble before, but now find themselves in the gun sights of the government's prosecution machine.  Often times these clients...


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